Principal's Message

Principal's Message

In the present context, Gurukul-education is the workshop for the making of a child.

The country that starts progressing makes a bunch of plans, some five year plans and some ten year plans. Every work is being done by machines, there has been a revolution in the world of new inventions like computers, mobiles etc. Home to house computers, mobiles, cars etc., rails are laid everywhere, roads become wide and beautiful, buildings become high and high, infinite inventions and production increase, then we start to understand that our development has happened, Now there is no other problem, but where is the man for whom we do everything, going today? What plan do we have for that? If the person who consumes all these is not honest, is not honest, is not cultured, is not unhappy with other's misery, is not going to be happy with happiness. Whether you are a misdemeanor, a corrupt, a drug addict, or a virtuous person, then what will all these inventions, productions and developments be used for?

In fact, the most important feature of Gurukul education is that special attention is paid to the routine of the students to build their character. Every moment of the students is created in a listed manner, which is the duty of their masters and gurus to follow. From waking up in Brahmamuhurta in the morning till sleeping at night, the student is busy in all the activities like studying, eating and playing sports etc. The advantage of this type of routine is that by being disciplined from childhood, the education of the child becomes so strong that by becoming character he is ready to spend his whole life without any difficulty. The purpose of Gurukul-Shiksha is that the students develop both physically and mentally by being in the company of the Guru. May they become healthy, strong, brilliant, and long in body, and may they become determined, virtuous, knowledgeable, virtuous and Brahma-dominant in mind, intellect and soul.

The parents bring the children near the gurus and say - O teachers! You carry this Kumar in your womb, so that it becomes a true human. To make a true man, a true human being, a true citizen is also the aim of Gurukul education. In this way, Gurukul-shiksha is such a system that along with the intellectual level of the students, their moral level also remains bright, as a result of which the graduates of Gurukul go ahead in building a good society and building the nation.

In this way, it can be said with proclamation that only Gurukul-education can lead the wandering humanity towards the path of welfare. The future of your children is safe in the hands of all you parents, the decision is in your hands.

(Dr. Vijendra Shastri)
